Monday, May 16, 2011

My Blogfolio

          Telecommunication in the Fashion Merchandising Classroom is my third personal blogfolio. My first blogfolio was titled, Fashion Merchandising: Teaching and Learning Technology, and was written as one of the final projects for IT 644. This blog documented my very first experience taking an IT class; also, it was my first time writing a blog. 

          I view the technologies I learned about in IT 644 through Fashion Merchandising lenses. My second blogfolio was titled, Fashion Merchandising Classroom 2.0, and was written as one of the final projects for IT 780. This blog discussed ways to integrate Web 2.0 applications into the Fashion Merchandising classroom.

          Each blogfolio has been a place where I document my learning experiences and reflection on class activities, interactions, and readings. In addition, I have included my class assignments. I try to name each blog entry so that it accurately reflects the contents of the discussion and fits within the context of the overall blogfolio. The information include in Telecommunication in the Fashion Merchandising Classroom will be evidence of my learning from readings, assignments, and firsthand experience in IT 648 (Telecommunications in Education).

          For this class, Dr. Yuen requires us to write a reflection for each assignment. There will be a total of 8 reflection blog entries (a personal introduction, a blogfolio introduction, 5 assignment reflections, and an overall course reflection). In each blog entry, Dr. Yuen requires us to provide a link to our instructional artifact and to explain what we did and why we chose to do it that way. 

          For the overall course reflection, Dr. Yuen requires the following details:
  • What we learned in class about telecommunication technologies,
  • Our strong and weak points,
  • Why we think these points are weak or strong,
  • Our future learning goals, considering our weak points, and
  • How we plan on integrating these technologies into the classroom.
          Even though the final course reflection requires us to talk about how we plan to integrate telecommunication technologies into our classrooms, I plan to actually include my ideas in each technology blog entry. I would like to include my thoughts and ideas on how to integrate these technologies into the USM Fashion Merchandising program where possible. In addition, I plan to offer my opinions on possible uses of these technologies in the fashion industry. 

          In the future, I plan to combine all my blogfolios from the IT classes I have taken into one blog. I think I will name this final meta-blog “Instructional Technology in the Fashion Merchandising Classroom”. I believe that each of my blogfolios discusses different aspects of integrating technologies into a Fashion Merchandising classroom. For example, my IT 780 blogfolio offers my reflections, thoughts, ideas, and opinions regarding integrating Web 2.0 tools in the classroom while my IT 648 blogfolio will focus more telecommunications. Combining these blogfolios into one blogfolio may be similar to putting jigsaw pieces together. Once it is done; a bigger picture will soon show.  

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