Saturday, June 25, 2011

Farewell IT 648 Telecommunication in Education

            I can’t believe that IT 648 (Telecommunication in Education) is almost over. Five weeks is short but I manage to complete every reading material, every assignment, and every discussion. In addition to the value of learning community, I have learned that:
  •  Diigo is a fantastic tool for anyone seeking to organize their online knowledge and/or build an interactive learning community. 
  • Google Sites is a great tool to use to create educational webpages for educators who seek to create their class websites with limited time and resources. 
  • WebQuests are a very powerful for teaching and learning tool. It is difficult but possible to design a good WebQuest. Even though WebQuest takes time and effort to design, the end result is rewarding.
  •  Wiggio is an easy web application for group communication, collaboration, and management. Its applications are straightforward and effective. Wiggio is appropriate for every group and organization.
  • Although the Internet has widened the window of opportunity for teachers and learners, there are some dangers associated with using the Internet in the classroom. It is important for teachers, librarians, and school administrators to be proactive to maximize strategies that they can use to enhance Internet safety and minimize risks.
  • Videoconferencing is a useful tool for education. It is a two-way communication and can be used by teachers, staff, and administrators.  Videoconferencing enriches curriculum by increasing interactivity, enabling and enhancing collaboration, and effectively sharing resources. Examples of the use of videoconferencing in education are staff meeting, professional development, and enhancing curriculum (e.g. virtual field trips and meeting with experts).

Similar to coins, this class has both strong and weak points. On the bright side, I found that the class activities were diverse and covered all of class concepts. Class assignments had a good mixture of difficult levels. In addition, class reading materials and media provided both broad and in-depth knowledge for each class concept. I realized that Dr. Yuen spent lot of time building his resources for this class. Last but not least, everyone in this class helped creating a strong learning community that enhances learning experience.

On the dim side, time was the utmost weak point of this class. I took two classes this summer. Both classes are the five-week sections. It was difficult for me to find time to reflect on the reading materials and class concepts since there were so much to learn in both classes. Personally, I need time to digest and bouncing ideas back and forth in my head. Even though Dr. Yuen kindly gave us opportunity to access class materials approximately 2 weeks in advance, I still found that time was an issue for me. I wish I had more time to learn. Another weak point is that IT 648 is a fully online class. Even though I had a positive experience from this class, I prefer a hybrid format. I realized I learn better in the hybrid environment. To improve my weak areas, I need to find strategies to maximize my reflection time.  Additionally, I may need to experience more fully online class.   

I realized that some of the technologies we learned from IT 648 are easy for me to integrate into classroom while some are challenging. I already integrate blog in my classroom. In this coming fall semester, I plan to incorporate blogfolio in my FM 222 (Professional Presentation) class. I also plan to use my FM 437 (Apparel Product Development) class website that I created through Google Sites this coming fall. In addition to class website, I plan to create a Diigo group for FM 437 so my students can help each other to build knowledge about sustainability in apparel and textile industry. However, I am still unsure on how to create WebQuest for my own class. 

In conclusion, IT 648 (Telecommunication in Education) gave me a lot of useful technologies to integrate into my own class and to recommend others to use. Even though time was a big issue for me, I manage to finish this class well. Unfortunately, I feel quite sad that this class comes to an end. Because it means that I have to say farewell not only to my fellow classmates, but also to Dr. Yuen since he will retire at the end of June. I felt fortunate that I have an opportunity to learn from him and for that I am very grateful. I extend my best wishes and the heartfelt desire that Dr. Yuen’s retirement be a continuously wonderful experience.

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